Moving Smarter
As a leading independent oil & gas commodities trading company, Vankor is bringing innovation to the way the world moves energy.
Proving that you don’t have to be big to think big.
Moving Faster
From source to refinery, our strategic partnerships down the supply chain create efficiencies that result in faster product delivery and quicker payment turnaround—typically twice as fast as our bigger, less nimble competitors.
We buy and move product straight from the source
Logistics and efficiencies are always at the forefront
Well-balanced assets and customization capabilities
Strategic partnerships lower costs and increase efficiency
Flexibility and dependability builds more than trust
Moving Beyond
At Vankor, our goal is to create mutually beneficial relationships for all parties. We do this by moving beyond conventional industry thinking to be more agile, flexible and personal than the big boys.
Relationships are essential to what we do, and we do them better than anyone else.
Let’s Work Together
We’ll prove how moving smarter can make all the difference.